The Viriditas Society is a special group of people who notify Hildegard House in writing that they have included Hildegard House in their estate plans. Members of the Virditas Society provide a greening - or renewing - power to Hildegard House by making gifts that will sustain the mission into the future.
A Planned Gift is any gift made as part of your financial estate plan. For many people, it is an opportunity to make a larger gift than may be possible during their lifetimes. Planned gifts may include:
a bequest in your will
designating Hildegard House as a beneficiary of an IRA or pension plan
designating Hildegard House as a beneficiary of a Life Insurance policy
a Charitable Remainder Trust
a Charitable Gift Annuity
Contact your attorney or estate planner to begin discussions about making provisions for a planned gift.
To Join the Viriditas Society, complete this form and email it to